Simple Living Works!

Simpler Living Weekly Nudge

Posted on: February 23, 2019

Jerry and granddaughter Eliana


In This Issue–What’s One to Do? // Latest Podcast // Resource of the Month // FREE Daily NUDGE // Much More!

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What’s One to Do?

Sorry to sound like a whiner. Virtually everything that has happened in DC in the past two years is contrary to virtually everything I’ve worked for in my adult like. And without extraordinary efforts by caring, Earth-friendly people, that degenerating trend will continue.

What’s one to do? I refuse to be a martyr. I have too many important things to do to spend one minute in jail. Some folks do. I thank them for their efforts.

Of course,”What’s one to do?” is the wrong question. We have to work together. A meaningful word these days is “intersectionality.” Peace, Human Rights, and Climate activists–to name but a few–work together on multiple fronts, not “second-classing” the others’ work.

Here’s what I’m choosing to do. I hope you’ll make your own list and evaluate it from time-to-time. You’re welcome to share your ideas at

  1. Caring for my family. Helping meet the needs of my wonderful spouse Rita and our two children and their families. Having a one-to-one light lunch each week with a cousin and others to support them and to receive their encouragement. And having some fun!
  2. Caring for myself. Besides exercising and eating right, setting reasonable boundaries. Helping where I can with time and money–such as, Paso Robles Peace Community and Sierra Club–and refusing to be sucked into every needy organization or group. That includes, for example, not being guilted into financing veterans when over half of all federal tax money goes to the military. (That’s a rant for another time.)
  3. Working through our church, the ELCA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest and most progressive of the numerous Lutheran bodies, including submitting a controversial, social justice resolution to an upcoming regional assembly, and serving on our local congregation’s social justice team.
  4. Communicating. Despite several distractions, I have worked as an editor and publisher since the fourth grade. Now my blogs, eNewsletters and podcasts are all on-line, which helps to save trees, specially to promote Voluntary Simplicity.
  5. Thanking. I’m so grateful for every sunset and every sunset. I remember my parents everyday for their care and the legacy they have entrusted to me.
  6. To be continued.

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NEW Podcast Episode–02/19: Working for a moratorium on big ag animal confinements to safeguard our water and air.

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Plan Ahead! — Free Online from SLW!

The Good Life curriculum

5 lessons to nurture simplicity and goodness in Christian community, based on the 5 Life Standards of Living More with Less

Ideal of intergenerational Vacation Bible School/Camp

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Free Subscription: Today’s Simpler Living Nudge

Receive a brief daily nudge toward Simpler Living, such as the ones here, at no charge. Simply reply to with NUDGE at the top. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying Unsubscribe Nudge.

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What Others Are Doing – So Much Help! – Latest Posts

I gladly pass along links from simple living bloggers, podcasters, coaches and others. Some faith-based, some not. You needn’t read them all. Choose just FIVE links to investigate. COMPLETE LIST (Monthly Digest). For links to earlier entries, check the previous SLW! Weekly Digests or Monthly Digests.

What’s Happened

Timely Free Resource: Who’s Risen from the Dead, Anyway? — getting ready for Lent, Holy Week and Easter — Reflection/Activity Guides // Seders for Passover and Easter // Posters and 40-Day Calendars // Bulletin Inserts & Covers // Bonus

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Simpler OneEarth Living Episodes 01/19–Immigration and Borders: Horrors, Opportunities, and Needs—Talking with Jimmy Marcelin of Safe Harbors

Recent Podcast Episode–Fair Trade in Schools and Congregations

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Jerry’s Top 10 Progressive Podcasts

All available from iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast service. Not in priority order. They’re all great! There are many more but one of my New Years resolutions was to be less extensive/overwhelming!

The Fallon Forum with Ed Fallon // Best of the Left // GrowthBusters // Ralph Nader Radio Hour // RePros Fight Back // The Hartmann Report with Thom Hartmann // The OverPopulation Podcast from Population Balance // Jim Hightower’s Radio Lowdown (3 min.!) // Alternative Radio // and, of course, my own, Simpler OneEarth Living, now a co-production of Simple Living Works! and Jubilee OneEarth Economics. Also, not really a podcast, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO/YouTube).

Others that are excellent though not political: Homilies by Fr. Richard Rohr // On Being with Krista Tippet

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One Way God Talks to Me

Two Tuesdays a month I go the the local free produce distribution and take whatever the county food bank is passing out. Surplus oranges, apples, potatoes, bread that they pick up from local farms and grocery stores. Then I go to the local overstocks grocery store and buy the marked-down/about-to-expire specials. It’s fun.

There are always surprises. Yesterday I got a bottle of grape flavored aloe vera water. Something new to try for $.50!

Then I plan my menu around these rejects. This week I’m having fresh spinach and mushrooms mixed with my morning egg.

Why? Because this is one way God talks to me. I don’t feel that God is playing a joke on me. “So, smarty-pants, see what you can make out of this. Ha. Ha.” Everything I get is a gift.

When I said to the sweet little Mexican lady helping at food distribution, “That’s a lot of spinach!” She said in her broken English, “It’s good in omelettes.” How thoughtful. God was speaking to me.

Again, why? We’re a privileged white family of some means. We could buy and eat anything we want anytime. But God is telling me to fight waste. There’s so much food here in Central Coast Calif.! I go toward the end of the hour of food distribution so that I don’t deprive anybody who really needs it. I’ve been told that whatever we don’t take will be fed to hogs. I’m not anti-pig. I just feel they don’t need to be fed human-quality food.

Our goal is to save about $10 a week on groceries. That makes about $500 a year that we can donate to the Food Bank. They can buy food for ten cents on the dollar to distribute throughout the county. And while we’re reducing food waste, we can claim a tax break (in the odd-numbered years when we itemize our deductions on our income tax). [More on taxes and charitable donations below.]

I’m not bragging. I’m just doing what I hear God telling me to do. How might God be speaking to us in other ways through what we consume and what we are tempted to buy?

And what about that grape/aloe water? It turned out to be kind of lumpy. So I blend it in my morning smoothy with yogurt and chocolate flavored pea protein “milk”! The excitement never stops.

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Will the New Tax Laws Affect Our Charitable Giving?

On the recent annual #GivingTuesday (11/27/18) we were urged to support non-profit organizations. It’s a real relief from the hyper-consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Now some of us are planning our year-end giving. How much can we afford to give away while we look Christmas in the face?

I normally give away as much as possible AND itemize deductions on my Income Tax returns, not only to be helpful but also to get above the standard deduction. This way I can keep my share of taxes from supporting the war machine and force-feeding the military.

The Republican Tax Scam of 2018 has thrown ordinary citizens a bone by doubling the standard deduction (in contrast to the monumental tax deductions for the wealthy and corporations!). This ploy could have a serious negative effect on charitable organizations—now we can get the deduction without giving the money away. (Yes, the deduction also includes property taxes, state income taxes and medical expenses.)

Our plan is to double our giving one year and reduce it the next. That way we get the benefit of the higher standard deduction in “lean” years and go above it in “fat” years. Likewise, we’ll give to progressive political causes and candidates (which are not tax deductible) in even-numbered/election years (2018, 2020), to help balance the doubling of charitable donations in odd-numbered years (2019).

This plan is called “bunching.”  It won’t work for everybody. I am not giving tax advice. I urge you to talk to a tax professional. In the meanwhile, here’s an article that may help: “Bunching Charitable Donations Could Help You Save onTaxes This Year—

We can live our consciences and still keep the system from negating our generosity.

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Podcast Reminder

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Peace, Gerald “Jerry” Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist

Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-alike license.

Through social media, we extend the mission and resources of the non-profit organization Alternatives, 1973-2011.

*We choose to use month numbers rather than the traditional names because the names are inaccurate (September means “7” but it’s the ninth month?!) and they honor gods and emperors from warring ancient Roman culture. For more, see Weekly Nudge, 8/8/18.

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